Beer Before Fear

Beer Before Fear #12 - Event Horizon (1997)

Dan & Erik Season 1 Episode 12

Welcome to another spine-tingling episode of Beer Before Fear! Today, we're taking a warp-speed trip back to 1997 and immersing ourselves in the cosmic horror of "Event Horizon," accompanied by the interstellar flavors of an Abomination Brewery IPA.

Picture this: a pre-Morpheus Laurence Fishburne and a post-Jurassic Park Sam Neill, because, let's face it, once you've seen Dr. Grant, you can't unsee him! Grab your space helmet and brace yourself for a podcast journey that's more terrifying than trying to unsee that iconic paleontologist.

As we crack open our Abomination Brewery IPA, we'll navigate the chilling corridors of the Event Horizon spacecraft, exploring the depths of horror that unfold in the vacuum of space. From the eerie atmospheres to the mind-bending terror, this episode promises to be a black hole of entertainment that sucks you in and refuses to let go.

So, join us as we swap demons for deep space and head into the unknown with "Event Horizon." It's a cosmic horror experience that pairs perfectly with the bold, hoppy notes of an Abomination Brewery IPA. Cheers to fear, space, and unforgettable cinema!

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